Tengo firmware 5.00 M33-6 y no se cual de todas las versiones de Custom Firmware Gen instalar, ya que, para unas dice que debo tener 3.xx o otros requisitos. Cual es la que me recomiendan? o tengo algo mas que hacer antes de actualizar el firmware. Gracias
Psp-custom-firmware Version 6.70 M33 6
Exacto, todas las psp que tengan firmware 3.95 o inferior (oficial o modificada) No es maldita, a igual que las que tienes el 5.00 m33 (cualquier version) o el 5.50 gen (cualquier version) NO son malditas,
-Pulsa "Select" y cambia "USB Device Memory Stick" a "flash 0".-Conecta la PSP al PC y salen unas carpetas distintas.-Entra en "vsh/etc" y abre version.txt.-Cambia "release:9.90:" por "release:5.50:" y lo guardas -Desconecta el USB y vuelve a poner "USB Device" en "Memory Stick
hola yo tengo una psp 1010 sin placa maldita y tengo el FW 5.00m33-6 con kernel 1.50 como puedo actualizarme a la version 6.60 pro para esta psp como le hago por que tengo miendo de cajetearla y perder mi psp ayuda!!! estyo log haora mismo!!!
Function trace is now processed correctly when using I-jet Trace. Note, this requires update of I-jet Trace firmware to at least version 3.2. Read more in Information about I-jet, JTAGjet-Trace, and JTAGjet firmware versions. [EW25140, EW25141]
The I-jet in-circuit debugging probe now operates more smoothly when the host system is a one-core Windows XP computer. Note, make sure to update I-jet firmware to 4.2 or later. Read more in Information about I-jet, JTAGjet-Trace, and JTAGjet firmware versions [EW23848, EW24016]
In EWARM 6.70.2: When displaying the interrupt log in the Timeline window, the interrupt duration was always displayed in time units, even if Time Axis Unit was set to cycles. [EW24291]
In EWARM 6.70.2: If an externally built ELF/DWARF object file contained a struct declared in a function scope prototype, the debugger could exit unexpectedly while downloading the file. [EW24312]
ST-Link: More registers available in the Register window The FPU, Control, and primask registers are now available in the Register window. To get access to the FPU registers, you need to update the ST-Link probe firmware to the latest version. This firmware is found in your IAR Embedded Workbench for ARM installation in arm\drivers\ST-Link\ST-LinkUpgrade.exe.
Support for ST ST-LINK version 2 with SWO (new in 6.20.4) The ST debug probe ST-LINK version 2 is now supported. The Serial Wire Output (SWO) functionallity is also implemented, enabling features such as function profiling and interrupt tracing for all STM32 devices.
New C-SPY macro function __targetDebuggerVersion() returns the version of the debugger. This makes it possible to write debugger macro scripts that adapt to different versions of the debugger. 2ff7e9595c